Forum Replies Created
Torseq Tech.Member
YTK Pro v1.0 beta build 290 also supports this new build of Messenger(401). There were no programmatic changes necessary or adjustments to be made.
Torseq Tech.MemberCurrently using YTK Lite is more or less useless unti Brock and I (the authors) update it and we’re simply not able to squeeze that in anytime soon. The good news is that when Lite IS updated it’ll be completely rewritten and based off one of our newer YTK Pro builds.
Torseq Tech.MemberThe max cam viewer count per cam I believe is either 40, 49 or 50. I believe it’s either the foremost or the latter, I’d have to double check. While it may not be the default setting, Jeff, it isn’t very hard to find ‘open’ cams with such a setting in use (auto-accept cam view requests) and used to be even simpler when user-created rooms were around.
PS: I double checked with Chet (author of Y!TunnelPro) and according to him it’s 50 so we’ll say 50 until I check personally (it’s been 2 years since I’ve looked into it myself).
Torseq Tech.MemberThe error also indicates (generically) that the room might not even be voice-enabled (as strange as this sounds). Try getting voice in the FinanceVision rooms sometime and you’ll see what I mean. Those rooms are not voice-enabled (there’s no vcauth/voice cookie sent to you when you join those rooms). ๐
Torseq Tech.MemberThere may not be a passive way to find this information out but there is an active more intrusive way. In theory all you would have to do is find an open cam (where it’s set to auto-accept ALL cam view requests) and fill the cam up until you get the “Cam is Full” message code. Since you get an accept message back for each successful cam view request that was accepted you could subtract the amount of successful requests that you sent to fill the cam up from the maximum number of users per cam and you’d know how many were viewing before you filled up the cam. ๐
Torseq Tech.MemberCongrats Blindrain, you’ve qualified for your VC Sync key and since you are the 5th person to do so this competition is now officially over. I will forum PM you your VC Sync key within a few minutes…
Torseq Tech.MemberWe’ve got a winner!!
Emma is our 4th winner… 1 more winner left to grab the last key and it’s all over folks.
I’ve PM’d you the key, Emma. Congrats!
Torseq Tech.MemberClicking on links in chat rooms and PMs are definitely a heavily abused conduit for spreading malware (viruses and worms included). The most common avenue used to spread these is through file transfers by either disguising a rogue file as harmless (file extension tricks and other) or by social engineering to achieve the file(s) being directly executed (or loaded through a helper application) by the end user after the transfer’s complete.
There is software on the market that can and does filter and block out suspicious applications by monitoring file-over-im transfers and one of them, as Venom already noted, is one of my applications (YTK Pro). File Transfer Type Screening (FTTS) is a part of YTK Pro and what this does is it allows you to globally (from strangers AND friends/safe list users) block the establishment of file transfers containing file types that are known to be ‘dangerous’ or abused frequently to cause harm to your computer. Preloaded defaults span over 25 different file types ranging from office documents to scripts (visual basic and javascript) to executables (.exe, .bat, .com, .pif, .scr etc) with the added ability of adding/deleting your own custom file extensions.
Having software at your disposal to keep the more dangerous ones away can definitely help to keep you from becoming the next DDoS irc bot in someone’s botnet army.
Torseq Tech.MemberInstead of waiting days possibly for this contest to end (LoL) I’ve gone ahead and forum PM’d you 3 qualified *winners* your VC Sync keys.
There’s still (2) keys left to win…
Torseq Tech.MemberBots… yeah, I remember those. I don’t see many of them anymore though, good thing for that. ๐
PS: Get a good free 3rd party client with anti-spam filters (YMLite, YahElite, Yazak etc) or YTK Pro (my application that isn’t free). Y!TunnelPro might be up your alley too since it’s decent at killing spam.
Torseq Tech.MemberYes Rick YTK Pro now has voice anti-lag and the new build featuring it will be released tomorrow (with more features than just that). The benefit of VC Sync is that you can of course use it with ANY voice-capable chat program for Yahoo! You qualify for the VC Sync key and so does birdman. In the next couple hours I’ll pm you both your keys on the forum and will wait around for the remaining 3 people to collect theirs (when/if they qualify).
Torseq Tech.MemberAs you experienced yes Yahoo! Messenger isn’t a big fan of connecting to local loopback ( ๐ This can be accomplished by programmatic methods (which I won’t get into) and also accomplished by a few Windows NT-based network administration (machine policy) tricks which I haven’t tried the latter but I’m sure it’d work out.
Out of boredom I used the windows HOSTS file to attempt to redirect Yahoo! Messenger to the loopback address and it was a no go. I even attempted to redirect ALL of the Yahoo! chat “socket servers” ( – and those too didn’t work out. I played with connserver and the hostname string values inside the registry and while there might be a trick I overlooked I don’t see you being able to do it.
Now… this doesn’t mean you couldn’t go about it a different way. Besides the programming you could set connserver equal to another machine’s IP address on your network such as a local internal IP since Messenger won’t let you use your own here either. Messenger might allow you to use your WAN ip address (non-internal registered address) to connect to yourself and relay the connection or you might try connecting to another box on your network having the packets relayed through it (ie. as the other box might be addressed). You could also simply just use the proxy support that Messenger already provides (Socks and HTTP) to accomplish this feat or even a third party “proxifying” tool to forcefully redirect the connection to, programs such as SocksCap, FreeCap and TorCap which will redirect ANY winsock-based connection to anywhere you want it to go (these programs are free). The tools I mentioned rely on API hooking of winsock so if you programmed yourself this would be an easy task where you wouldn’t need them. Writing your own driver (TDI/NDIS) or your own user-mode Layered Service Provider (LSP) would be an option too (if you have a lot of programming experience).
Torseq Tech.MemberYes, I’ll make the exception just this once… even though you didn’t say the magic phrase either (but we’ll let that slide). ๐
Just waiting on the others now… shouldn’t be too long.
Torseq Tech.MemberTo celebrate the debut of our voice anti-lag application, VC Sync, I’m going to be throwing a promotional giveaway (here and now). ๐ This application sells for $14.99 USD and I will be offering 5 VC Sync keys for *Free* as a promotional opportunity for users to try it out.
The first 5 people to reply in this thread with the phrase:
Quote:VC Sync – “Bringing the order back to Yahoo! Voice Chat!”will win a free license key and updates for the lifetime of the program!
The giveaway starts now. Staff isn’t applicable (at least not for this promotion) and you have to have more than 10 posts on BBB to qualify as 1 of 5 candidates for a VC Sync license key.
Good luck guys! ๐**Note** If you are a BBB staffer and would like to try out VC Sync for free, PM me on the forum and I’ll issue you a key at no charge.
Torseq Tech.MemberThis sounds handy but newer builds of Yahoo! Messenger 8.0 & 8.1 already offer two of the features that this vEmotion program has. Playing background music can be accomplished within Yahoo! Messenger by using Yahoo!’s own Soundtrack feature that allows you to play/stream MP3 songs to the other party during the session (after a call has been successfully established). Also, the ability to insert sounds etc. into VOIP call sessions is also supported by Yahoo! Messenger and is known as the Soundboard feature.
Quote:Beef up PC calls with Soundboard and SoundtrackTalk about fun — why not add a cow moo to your next call? It’s easy with Soundboard. They’re fun little sounds built into Yahoo! Messenger to use during PC calls. You’ll find ones for everything from a breaking window and drum roll to (sorry) burping, laughing, applause and more.
You can also click on the Soundtracks icon to play your own MP3-format sounds in the background. That way while you and a friend are talking, you can play a hot song in the background (and even raise the music’s volume during favorite parts).
Source: Free Phone Calls – Yahoo! Messenger
I’m not trying to devalue your vEmotion program but I am making people aware that 2 of these features within your program are already available for free inside of Messenger itself. vEmotion’s ability to work with most all VOIP-enabled applications and it’s call conversation recording/saving capabilities are it’s major selling points.