Steve Jobs, the visionary leader of Apple has died at the age of 56, just a few months after announcing his retirement as CEO. Jobs had been battling pancreatic cancer for eight years. The Apple website has been replaced with an memorial for the man who not only co-founded the company, but helped … [Read more...]
iPad 2: What You Need to Know
Today Steve Jobs introduced the much-anticipated iPad 2. We live-blogged the launch event, and I've gotta say, even though I already have a first-generation iPad, I want one of these. So what's new with the iPad 2? Rather than bore you with all the details, here's the stuff that I found really … [Read more...]
If Apple Made Water
Apple fanboys rejoice! Now when you drink the kool-aid, you can use Apple's newest product: Water. I always figured there must be something in the water up in Cupertino. Now we can all find out. via Scoopertino … [Read more...]