Instant messaging has been around for a long time, and while it's changed a lot since the early days in the 90's, its still one of the most popular methods for communicating. Why? This infographic provides some insight into what instant messaging apps are popular worldwide; who uses them and how … [Read more...]
If Apple Made Water
Apple fanboys rejoice! Now when you drink the kool-aid, you can use Apple's newest product: Water. I always figured there must be something in the water up in Cupertino. Now we can all find out. via Scoopertino … [Read more...]
Facebook vs. Twitter: 2010 Demographics
Facebook and Twitter are both hugely popular social networks. Twitter has over 100 millions users, and Facebook over 500 million, and both show no signs of slowing down their phenomenal growth. DigitalSurgeons did some digging and put together this great infographic that breaks down the 2010 … [Read more...]