AOL today officially released AIM 6.9 for Windows, introducing new features that integrate AIM with other social networks, including Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. This new version of the venerable instant messaging program acknowledges and embraces the fact that people aren't just on a single … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2009
Social Network Wars
With Myspace, Facebook and other social networks all vying for attention, what can the average Joe do to maintain his sanity? This week's Sunday Funny is a video that wouldn't be funny if it weren't so true: Social Network Wars. … [Read more...]
Sunday Funnies: Emoticon War
Communicating via instant messaging or text alone has challenges. You don't get to read the body language or see the telling smirk on the other person's face. And so emoticons were born -- a shorthand code to help inject text messages with emotions. And thank god -- without them this entire video … [Read more...]
Avoid Phishing Worms on WLM
Thank you to Jonathan Kay for giving his permission to repost his full blog entry from MessengerGeek on Live Spaces here for our BigBlueBall members. This is valuable information of which every WLM user should be aware. This is a wonderful explanation of what to watch out for, and what to do if you … [Read more...]
Sunday Funnies: Twitter Frenzy
Welcome to a new series at BigBlueBall we're calling the Sunday Funnies. With everything that is going on in the world of social media, sometimes you need to sit back and have a good laugh. Each week we'll be sharing something fun -- just for the helluvit. This week, Jon Stewart and the Daily … [Read more...]
Secret Moves of Antisocial Smartphone Users
Renny Gleeson gave this 3-minute presentation at TED, outlining how smartphones can lead to dehumanizing behavior by expecting availability. Just because we can be available, doesn't mean we should be. As Gleeson notes, "...the technology we use to connect, actually separates and … [Read more...]
Half Baked Twitter Idea
As Twitter continues to build momentum with no visible business plan, others have tapped into twittermania to produce real products. BakerTweet is one such product. It's a hardware device marketed to bakeries. It allows them to turn a dial to broadcast a tweet to their followers when they've pulled … [Read more...]
12 Steps to IM Productivity
Instant messaging can be a time-sucking black hole... or an indispensible productivity tool. Here's a 12-step program that can give your productivity a boost (meetings not required!). Get a new instant messenger. Most people stick with whatever IM they started with -- often AIM or WLM -- … [Read more...]
Yahoo! Messenger Now on iPhone
Last week at CTIA, Yahoo released Yahoo! Mobile and announced Yahoo! Messenger for the iPhone. Well, now the popular instant messenger is officially available for download via iTunes. The new iPhone application is available for free and gives you basic instant messaging capability with a few nice … [Read more...]
Yahoo! Mobile Now Available
Yesterday at the CTIA Wireless conference in Las Vegas, Yahoo! announced the availability of Yahoo! Mobile supporting over 300 devices, and provided a sneak peek at Yahoo! Messenger for the iPhone. Yahoo! Mobile comes in two basic flavors, an application (available for iPhone, Windows Mobile and … [Read more...]