I first started using Instagram in November 2010, and it's one of my favorite photo apps. The fact that it's on my iPhone home screen is a testament to it's draw. The clever filters designed to make photos look old-timey draw the ire of many photographers, but people love'em. One of the … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2012
Windows Messenger is Dead… Long Live Skype
What began many years ago as Microsoft Messenger and evolved into Windows Live Messenger (or simply, WLM) is now being put to rest. Microsoft has officially announced that Skype will now officially replace Messenger for instant messaging, audio and video calling. As of sometime in the first quarter … [Read more...]
Comic: Cell Phones
So true... Is it true for you? Leave a comment! via xkcd … [Read more...]
Gamifying Health and Fitness: Five iOS Apps
I am a huge fan of gamification and quantification. What is it? Simply put, gamification leverages game mechanics to make something routine seem more like fun, therefore encouraging you to do it over and over again. And quantification employs tracking your activities, statistics and other data over … [Read more...]