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most of the time
are you prrrdy?
right now i’m too ccccoold to be prrrty lol.
what did you eat for supper last night?
Pizza :woot:
Anyone up for Mardi Gras?
hell yeaaah!
what dvd is in the player right now?
I think it’s empty.
What’s up?
the sky…unless i’m standing on my head :confused:
PJ’s or being Dressed?
PJ’s most def. I spend most of my days in my PJ’s.
Are you listening to music right now?
nope. but then again, I’m not on my comp.
do you hate Bush?
should i?
Who does your laundry?
My mom.
What’s bothering you right now?
having to go back to school in two days time
how clean is your room?
My room in my apartment at school is spotless. However, back at home it’s pretty empty, since all of my things are at school. It’s still messy though. But not disgusting.
Do you always read the instructions, even if you don’t follow them?
yes. i guess so.
how much have you got in your wallet/purse?
$28.30 mom and dad left me money before they went on vacation 🙂
What’s your favorite commercial?