Apple fanboys rejoice! Now when you drink the kool-aid, you can use Apple's newest product: Water. I always figured there must be something in the water up in Cupertino. Now we can all find out. via Scoopertino … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2011
Jeopardy Categories That Would Bring Down Watson
IBM's Watson computer may have defeated mankind this week on the popular game show Jeopardy, but maybe the categories were stacked in Watson's favor. Joel Watson at Hijinks Ensue wondered just how well Watson would do if the categories were a little... um... "culturally biased." By the way, … [Read more...]
Facebook vs. Twitter: 2010 Demographics
Facebook and Twitter are both hugely popular social networks. Twitter has over 100 millions users, and Facebook over 500 million, and both show no signs of slowing down their phenomenal growth. DigitalSurgeons did some digging and put together this great infographic that breaks down the 2010 … [Read more...]