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maybe she had a brain fart.
which color highlighter do you prefer to use?
OK, OK people, let’s get back on track here. Ruse, the aim of this game is to answer the question that the person before you asked, then ask the next person a different question. Read the very first post. 😉
rae, I prefer Orange colored Hilighters, and sometimes Green.
Do you have a wireless mouse? How do you like it?
no, I don’t have one. I have used one before, it was very convenient…you can even put it on the floor and it will still work hahaha! [so amusing]
do you wear hats?
I don’t wear hats. Maybe later
Do you waer rings?
nope. I have a toe ring on one of my toes, but that’s it. the only ring I used to wear was my high school ring, but I lost it. oops. mom and dad were not very happy.
what kind of toothpaste do you use?
Well the name is Aquafresh (I pressume it’s also out of Greece, where I live)
Who has scored the most points in NBA untill now?
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (38,387 Points)
What’s your favourite reality TV show ?
“Growing up Gotti” is my new favorite…it’s so funny. And although “America’s Next Top Model” is a joke, I still like to watch.
How many pillows are on your bed?
How amny angels can dance on the head of a pin?
none, cause angels are bigger than the head of a pin!
Do you like Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream?
I don’t know, I don’t have that Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream in Greece
What kind of video game do you like?
Αdventure is my fav and after that RΡG and sports. Αny special plans fοr Îew Year’s Εve?
Ohhh yeaaaa baby! Ringin’ in the New Year with my bestest buddies and some very expensive alcohol!! It doesn’t get any better than that!
I just started my new job today at the ski resort. Anyone here ski or board?
Never have, I live in Texas. I want to though. what are you wanting the most for Christmas?
The Nirvana Boxset… or a pony… jk
How many instruments do you play and what are they?