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MemberI change my MSN password about 3 times a year or whenever I have a feeling someone else might know it.
MemberQuote:quote:Originally posted by HoRsEOnly children play consoles. Professional gamers, ESPECIALLY online gamers know that the PC is far, FAR superior than ANY console, even game developers will tell you that. It can do anything a console can do 10x better, AND more. tell me something…can u surf the web on a console, how bout check ur mail…or post on a forum? Can you upgrade any peice of hardware individually on a console? Can you print, record video and audio, can you even word process?….No, you can’t. The graphic processors and resolution on a comp is rediculous…give you an idea of what I mean.
The best console spec wise is the Xbox. It has a CPU of 733Mhz, a graphics processor of 233Mhz, a memory bandwidth of 6.4GB/sec, it’s polygon performance is 116.5M/sec, it can render 4 simultaneous textures, and is capable of a max resolution of 1920×1080
My computer is running a 2Ghz CPU, has a graphics processor of 380Mhz, a memory bandwidth of 22.4GB/sec, a polygon performance of 380M/sec, and can render 16 simultaneous textures with a max resolution of 2048×1536…AND computer hardware is upgradeable without having to buy a whole new system.
In conclusion…My computer rapes an Xbox. Go with a computer, there’s so much more you can do.
Can you get viruses on a console?
Can you buy a decent PC and 5 games for less than a grand?
Can you play with 4 other friends in the same room with no lag on a single PC?
Can you sit on your couch, in your living room and comfortably play your PC?I didn’t think so……. 🙂
MemberIt was a craze that went through my school for like.. a week.:D
It’s cool when your 12 (when I had it) but basicly its just a web cam for ugly people.Qwerty
MemberI talk to about 90% of my list. The other 10% i’m either annoyed at or dont have anything good to say to them.
MemberAs moveis: The Matrix 😎
As trilogies: LoTR… Not by much though.I still think the LoTRs books were so much better that the movies though.