Digsby, the multi-network IM and social media tool has been updated with tighter Facebook integration and added support for MySpace IM. This is good, but the really great news is that dotSyntax has also removed the confusion mess of crapware nags from their installer.
The new installer now gives you an option to install the ‘Digsby Toolbar' and asks if you want to contribute unused CPU cycles to sponsored research. While all of the adware/sponsor programs used in the old Digsby installer were optional, the new installer makes opting out easier and more obvious — a real plus considering that most users don't really read the fine print during installation.
What's New?
MySpace users can now use Digsby to connect to their contacts using MySpace IM, without opening a browser. And yes, in spite of the fact that MySpace seems to have fallen off the face of the planet from a press standpoint, there are still 70 million users, making it over 3x bigger than Twitter.
The real meat of the changes are in Digsby's Facebook integration. Now you can fully interact with your Facebook Newsfeed right from Digsby. You can post your status updates, comment on friend's activity, “like” status updates and browse photos. And of course, you can use Digsby to connect with your Facebook contacts via Facebook Chat. It's a great way to stay connected, even when you don't have Facebook open.
patndoris says
Gotta say I like the new Facebook integration. I had already preferred the Digsby integration over that in Astra. This sets it head and shoulders above what Trillian Astra has and I can't wait to see what they roll out for Twitter in the near future..