Last Friday, AT&T added multimedia messaging (MMS) capability to the iPhone 3G and 3Gs, allowing customers to send and receive video, pictures and audio messages in the same way they could send text messages.
Start Messaging
To enable MMS messaging, connect your iPhone to your computer and click “Check for Update” in iTunes. Once the update is completed, restart your iPhone by turning it off then on again. Note that iPhone OS 3.1 is required so you may need to perform that software update first. Once you connect to iTunes, you will be prompted through the correct steps.
I've been able to successfully test this within the AT&T network, but still cannot send or receive MMS messages across carriers. Can anyone else confirm if this is working or not?
I was able to send to Verizon fine, but I could not receive a picture.
I haven't been able to send or receive pics with Verizon.
Dude if you're bragging about being a “long time IM'er” then you've got some issues. What has this world come to that we have actual geezers bragging about themselves in this way. I hate old people! This site is a waste of time.
Well, “name” at least Mark isn't an anonymous pussy who takes can't string together a meaningful sentence. Most people wouldn't consider Mark particularly old (twenty-something).
What a dipshit and waste of space YOU are.
This is out of no where, mustn't mean anything if they couldn't even drop a nick. Is that even technically an opinion at this point?
One note for anyone having problems sending MMS across networks (i.e. AT&T to/from Verizon): be sure you power down your iPhone completely to reset it. I had to do this twice. Once to enable MMS on AT&T, and then again a little later to get it working across networks. Now it works like a champ!