Back on March 1st, we introduced an extensive redesign of BigBlueBall to make it easier for you to participate in our community. We revamped the front end of our site to leverage the powerful-but-flexible WordPress back end. We made it possible to comment without registering, and made it possible for you to sign in using your Facebook account. But best of all, we added a bold, fresh look based on the wonderful Lifestyle theme from StudioPress,
Now BigBlueBall is featured in the Lifestyle section of the StudioPress Showcase! I'd like extend a special thanks to Brian Gardner, head of StudioPress for the fine work he puts into each of their beautiful and functional WordPress themes.
If you'd like to use one of their themes for your web site, check them out. If you end up buying one, you'll also be supporting BigBlueBall — proud affiliates of StudioPress. And if you need assistance customizing them or integrating with your forums, contact me. I'd love to help!
Congratulations! Glad to see BigBlueBall up on their Gallery. I didn’t even know the theme was available for others to purchase!
Very nice! Good work!
I must say, I like the clean design. Nice streamlined interface, good colors, very clear interaction points. The UI designer in me approves.
Oh! One thing I forgot to say… sounds like we need another “design a banner for BBB” contest to match up with the new look!
That's a great idea, tigerblade! I'll see what I can whip up. Meanwhile, we do have a few new badges: