Twitter is great for watching uniformed panic unfold.
With thanks to xkcd for their twisted Twitter humor, and a nod to Andrew Long at socialmediatoday for bringing it to our attention.
I use technology, community and sound advice to build a better life. I am an advocate for social media and knowledge management, an avid hiker, father, grandfather, husband, author, speaker, dog walker, web developer and damn good listener. You can also find me on Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Facebook.
A lot of people are talking about how Twitter and “real time search” is a threat to Google, but as this comic so succinctly shows, there is a quality issue. Good on xkcd!
Ha, this gave me a good giggle.
@Mark: While the comic is funny, Jeremy Wagstaff has a thoughtful analysis of the very problem this comic identifies: Twitter is a stream of thoughts and not necessarily a reliable source for information. It’s a great read: