This week's Sunday Funny comes courtesy of the Joy of Tech, who asks "What would the sixties be like if they had Twitter?" … [Read more...]
Celebrity Twitter Overkill
Happy Mother's Day, folks. For this week's Sunday Funny we bring you the long-awaited sequel to Twouble with Twitter: Celebrity Twitter Overkill! Gotta love the jump the shark reference. Now tweet this to your mom and give her a reason to smile on … [Read more...]
Twitter, Swine Flu and Panic
Twitter is great for watching uniformed panic unfold. With thanks to xkcd for their twisted Twitter humor, and a nod to Andrew Long at socialmediatoday for bringing it to our attention. … [Read more...]
Social Network Wars
With Myspace, Facebook and other social networks all vying for attention, what can the average Joe do to maintain his sanity? This week's Sunday Funny is a video that wouldn't be funny if it weren't so true: Social Network Wars. … [Read more...]
Sunday Funnies: Emoticon War
Communicating via instant messaging or text alone has challenges. You don't get to read the body language or see the telling smirk on the other person's face. And so emoticons were born -- a shorthand code to help inject text messages with emotions. And thank god -- without them this entire video … [Read more...]
Sunday Funnies: Twitter Frenzy
Welcome to a new series at BigBlueBall we're calling the Sunday Funnies. With everything that is going on in the world of social media, sometimes you need to sit back and have a good laugh. Each week we'll be sharing something fun -- just for the helluvit. This week, Jon Stewart and the Daily … [Read more...]